
地區領導人會議 DLS

District Leadership Seminar

在這個為期半天的研討會上,由地區總監召集並且通常與與地區年會一起,可以讓社員了解在扶輪社領導機會。 具體來說,地區領導訓鍊會目地是:
  • 激勵扶輪社友在地區,區域和地區與國際間擔任領導職位
  • 提供一個論壇,並在這個論壇中,扶輪領導人可以分享有關如何參與的深度領導角色做準備
Peggy Halderman (third from left on the stage) speaks at the Champions of Change event during Rotary Day at the White House in Washington, D.C., 5 April 2013. The White House honored Halderman and 11 other Rotarians from across the United States for their volunteer work to improve the lives of others.